13 Jul Varied industry
We fill orders for production and provision of services of material treatment for many industries, such as: manufacture of machinery, transport equipment, precision industry, etc....
We fill orders for production and provision of services of material treatment for many industries, such as: manufacture of machinery, transport equipment, precision industry, etc....
Our company is an approved partner as a supplier of rolling stock components for the first assembly and the renovation of an existing one. We specialize in the processing and production of small steel elements....
Spiroflex Sp. z o. o. was granted a license by the Minister of the Interior in the sphere of manufacturing and trade in products for military or police purposes....
We are a supplier of components that are destined for passenger cars, heavy vehicles, and heavy construction equipment. ...
We are a member of the Aviation Valley Association (Stowarzyszenia Grupy Przedsiębiorców Przemysłu Lotniczego „DOLINA LOTNICZA”). We are also a certified supplier of products and services for the Polish Aviation Works (Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze)....
Spiroflex is a respected manufacturer of products for commercial power industry and industrial power industry, control engineering, telecommunications, IT, plumbing systems and central heating....